CoD: Map Analysis

Nuketown: The Analysis

Nuketown is a map hated by some, and loved by many.  The smallest map in the game, it allows for many kills and a fast-paced gameplay.  However, it can also bring about many deaths.  Here are some tips on how to prevent those deaths, and understand this map. 
First off, some tips to surviving Team Deathmatch and Free-for-all.  The key to these two game modes is using all the cover Nuketown provides, and avoiding the center. When playing these two game modes, never attempt to cross to the other side.  All though it may make you seem chicken, this will greatly improve your kill-death ratio.  For these game modes, one should stay on one side of the map, and attempt to control the upstairs rooms. To make this task easier the motion sensor equipment should be used. I will go further into classes later.  When the average CoD player is playing, they have a thirst for revenge.  Once you kill that player, they will continue to comeback until you are dead.  As long as you stay smart and alert, many players will continue to feed you kills, until that game is over.  Here are somethings to watch out for, that can also be used to your advantage.  There are two main entrances to the upstairs area in Nuketown.  These are the stairways from the balcony, and the stairways from the inside of the house.  These two entrances are often easily defended.  However, there is one entrance that is harder to defend, and unknown by many Cod players.  That is the entrance by window.  In front of each window there is a small ledge where one can access not only from jumping out the window, but also by climbing up the side of those ledges.  Each ledge has a small fence-type wall, that can be used as a ladder.  Once on the ladder, one can simply climb in through the window. Although this can be used to your advantage to take the top room, it is also difficult to defend.  The easiest way is to place your motion sensor, so that you can see if people come near the "ladder" or to do a quick scan every few seconds. Now onto objective playing.
The key to objective Nuketown is understanding the spawns.  Spawns are indicated by red dots on the map. There are 14 spawns in total with 8 on one side and 6 on the other. In order to effectively “spawn camp” the other team; the best place to be is the balcony behind either house.  The reason for this is that it is far enough away from the spawns that the game thinks the other team is “safe” to spawn there. However, a couple steps forward, and its an easy kill for you.  The balcony essentially creates the perfect distance from spawn to death. Keep in mind that this tactic is most effective during objective games, as they will not swap spawns, and flank you.

Class for Nuketown (my preference):
Main gun: Famas or AK-47
Attachment: Silencer/Extended mags
Secondary: Python
Attachment: Speed reloader/Dual wield
Equipment: Motion Sensor (TDM/FFA)
                 Claymore (Objective)
Grenade: Frag/Semtex
Special: Flashbang/Nova gas
Perk One: Scavenger (TDM/FFA)
               Lightweight (Objective)
Perk Two: This is really up to you, i prefer Sleight of Hand.
Perk Three: Ninja (TDM/FFA)
                  Marathon (objective)